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69 Things that aren’t a good idea after Tequila

There is no liquid that gives as much and takes as much as the almighty Tequila. All who indulge in the tasty treat probably have one or two moments of shame that can be related. Here’s a list of the top 69 things you probably shouldn’t do after a night of Tequila. Please give this a like, share on social media, leave a comment with your own suggestions, and follow us on twitter @TopLists69

  1. Ride a unicycle
  2. Ask a hooker to marry you
  3. Go skiing
  4. Try moose tipping
  5. Thread a needle
  6. Barbed wire jump rope
  7. Apply for the police department
  8. Join the bloods/crypts
  9. Hug a porcupine
  10. Text your ex-gf
  11. Text your current gf
  12. Challenge the biggest guy around to arm wrestle
  13. Try and invent a new cocktail
  14. Weightlift
  15. Really advanced origami
  16. Try to feed a bear a pot of honey because pooh eats honey
  17. Attempt extensive surgery
  18. Lighting your farts on fire
  19. Bake a wedding cake
  20. Fulfill your lifelong dream of tightrope walking
  21. Go to Vegas and let it all ride on red 7
  22. Decide you’re going to steal the declaration of independence
  23. More Tequila shots
  24. Write a love song about your high school English teacher
  25. Karaoke (Unless you’re Kelly Clarkson, no one should be doing this anyway)
  26. Resolve to fight crime and become a super hero
  27. Question why being a pirate went out of style and bury all your stuff in a secret location and then try and draw a map to it.
  28. Get into a fight with someone because they thought the 4th Indiana Jones movie was “just as good as the other ones”
  29. Make Fajitas
  30. Go on Facebook and wish everyone you’re friends what you really think about them. And wish them a happy birthday.
  31. Play, “Poke the Hobo”
  32. See how many krispy kreme’s you can fit into your mouth
  33. Drive to your parent’s house and climb into bed with them like you were a baby
  34. Create a new sport called, “urban golfing”
  35. Play the bagpipes for the first time
  36. Announce to everyone you were born to River Dance and show them your skills
  37. Baby juggling
  38. Re-enact Jackass the Movie
  39. Attempt your first ever handstand while peeing
  40. Find the hottest girl around with the biggest douchiest boyfriend and give her boobs a solid honk
  41. Agree to go on a journey to destroy the ring of power
  42. Jump over the table and take over for the hibachi guy saying, “I got this”
  43. Your taxes
  44. Go to taco bell drive through and yell at the attendant for not speaking Spanish and not making your experience “authentic Mexican cuisine”
  45. Re-enact all the scenes from step brothers with someone
  46. Tell everyone in the surrounding area that your baby maker is a magic lamp and that if you rub it you’ll get 3 wishes
  47. Paint yourself blue and claim to be the Yao Ming of Smurfs
  48. Continually yell at the dj/band/stereo to play free-bird all night
  49. Shave the cat
  50. Get a neck/face tattoo involving any of the following: snake, barbed wire, Asian symbol, dragon, tiger, Samoan symbols, person’s name, family motto, or basically anything
  51. Eat a bunch of bubble gum and see if you’ll poop out a bubble
  52. Jump into the ocean because “You need to find Nemo”
  53. Start challenging random people to a Pokémon battle
  54. Try and start a slow clap at inappropriate times
  55. Break into a funeral home because you wanna re-enact “Weekend at Bernie’s”
  56. Start watching porn in a public place to see if anyone wants to start an orgy
  57. Find someone who’s a really good dancer and challenge them to a dance off in front of everyone. Proceed to do the chicken dance
  58. Take pictures of your junk and tweet them using the hash tag #CuteKittens
  59. Attempt to lead a rebellion against Canada for using “the wrong bacon”
  60. Leave everything in your will to the sketchy guy you just met
  61. Find the biggest lesbian you can and try and get her to switch sides using any means necessary
  62. Talk like Yoda for the rest of the evening
  63. Go up to every Italian person you see and ask them if they were born in Italy. If they say no claim, “Then you’re not a real Italian”
  64. Keep asking people to take body shots off of you
  65. Start a Harlem shake without telling anyone else
  66. Sky diving
  67. Explain to anyone who will listen that the movie “Rudy” was loosely based upon your life
  68. Bet any woman $50 that you can draw what their naughty parts just by looking in their eyes. If they agree, demand they prove it after.
  69. Watch human centipede 

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