The 69 best ways to make sports more dangerous/exciting


I love sports. They’re fun to watch and pass the time and you can invest your love and passion into it. Few things are better. I don’t love every sport of course (soccer bores me to death) and I think this can be said of most everyone. Some sports just click with some people and others don’t. One thing we can all agree on is that excitement and a little bit of danger makes the sport even better. So here I’ve complied a list of different ways we can make sports more exciting/dangerous. Please leave your own ideas down in the comment sections, give it a like, and share with your friends via social media and what not. And (if my account gets un-suspended by the man) follow us on twitter @TopLists69

1) Play soccer on ice like hockey

2) Change the puck to an egg and whenever one team breaks it the other gets a power play

3) Play the WNBA in bikini’s and on trampolines

4) End the luge run in the Olympics with a ramp and make them pose in the air before they land in a lake. Better pose = better points

5) Whoever comes in last in a horse race becomes glue

6) Play basketball blindfolded so they have to use their other senses like bats

7) Place landmines randomly in the outfield

8) Replace the football with a Frisbee

9) Change the bowling pins to sticks of dynamite

10) Put the tennis court surrounded by a pool of sharks so you can’t run out of bounds

11) Replace the current baseball bats with ridiculously big cartoon-like bats.

12) Soccer games can no longer end in a tie (This one is serious, nobody likes a tie)

13) If you get caught taking steroids you have to run around the field/court with your pants down and your small testicles exposed while singing yankee-doodle-dandy and holding sparklers

14) Play badminton with a live grenade instead of a shuttlecock (lol…. shuttlecock)

15) Make the glass backboards in the NBA way more breakable

16) Put a live honey badger in the end zone

17) All darts must be played in a crowded area with a moving target after 3 shots of tequila

18) Fill all competitive swimming pools with 19 assorted jelly fish

19) All track type races shall involve a wolf and or lion to chase the competitors

20) If you miss a shot in pool you get electrocuted

21) Before folding in a hand of poker you must take a hit of marijuana and a shot of vodka

22) If a shootout after 3 shots does not determine a winner still then the goalies have to come to the center and fight. First knockout wins

23) Pitchers have to pitch wearing those drunk driver test goggles or really really thick bifocals

24) Have the hoops in basketball constantly moving up and down randomly at various speeds (Imagine going for a breakaway dunk and having the basket move up at the last second)

25) Whoever wins the College football championship (which is a joke btw) gets to play the super bowl champions and the winner gets Kate Upton

26) Everyone has to eat chipotle before an NBA game

27) Make football players wear shoulder pads like the legion of doom (all spiky and shit)

28) Volleyball shall forever be played wearing moon boots while on trampolines and the net must be raised 6 more feet

29) Release 4 dogs trained to collect golf balls loose on the course at random so the golfers have to race to their balls or lose a stroke

30) Involve more sharks and alligators in fishing somehow

31) Refs have to shoot the guilty player with a paintball gun full of yellow paint instead of throwing flags

32) Dip sumo wrestlers in baby oil before each match

33) Softball must be played while heavily intoxicated at all times for men

34) Women shall play softball topless. (so their jersey’s don’t hinder their throws, pervert)

35) No protective gear allowed in lacrosse and the ball shall be replaced with a rock

36) Switch out a baseball with a rubber pink ball. (sooooooo many dingers)

37) Competitive dance can only be done after: being put in a corner, needing the money as a reward to survive, getting dumped, confessing your love to someone, and/or any other famous movie plot line

38) Vaulters shall land in a pool of jello instead of a big mat. Their splashes get more points.

40) NASCAR will no longer be allowed to make left turns and all cars shall have ejector seats that activate if involved in to much contact

41) Light the tennis balls on fire

42) More blades in hockey

43) For 5 random minutes in a soccer game a horn will blow and everyone is allowed to use their hands and tackle

44) Play golf at night with glow in the dark balls and one spot light on the tee and one on the hole, and that’s it

45) Invent a new sport called competitive Where’s Waldo-ing where teams of detectives are shown a picture of a guy dressed up as Waldo and given various clues to go find him all around the world. Bonus points if you also find Carmen San Diego

46) Take away the sword from the bull fighters (poor bulls)

47) Synchronized swimming and ice skating shall be only played by high security prisoners and the winners get prison perks (i.e. parole, more cigs, bigger cell, extra tv, food, etc)

48) Make Quidditch real

49) Also make the hunger games real but with death row guys and war criminals.

50) Tomatoes shall be given out to fans at all home games to teams with losing records and shall be allowed to throw at players/coaches/management when they desire. (They’re not paying to see you lose)

51) Take away the nets in lacrosse. Give them shovels

52) All referees must talk/act like Macho Man Randy Savage (oooOOOOHHH YEAAAaa)

53) Switch out the boxing gloves with brass knucles

54) No rules in the UFC. No one wants to see two giant guys rolling around on the floor

55) If you lose a cock fight you have to eat the loser WITHOUT honey mustard of BBQ sauce (Extra hot buffalo will be allowed but not bleu cheese or ranch)

56) All bobsledding shall take place in Jamaica

57) When not skiing you shall be allowed to throw snowballs at the other skiers as they go down

58) A new arch shall be added in basketball about near the foul line that if a player dunks from behind there it counts as 4 points

59) All professional swimmers shall be forced to wear water wingys and inner tubes

60) Foosball will now be played with real people on a life size table with juvenile delinquents tied up to the sticks and to be operated remotely by Asian children.

61) Dizzy bat rules applied to MLB

62) Football is played with a cantaloupe instead of a football. Team whose in possession of cantaloupe when it is broken gets a 5 yard penalty and has to eat the broken cantaloupe

63) Hurdle jumpers shall now jump over barrels thrown by trained gorilla.

64) Biting in boxing is now encouraged instead of frowned upon

65) Make golf club shafts out of loose rubber so they’re like wet noodles so you have to whip them and make the golf balls smaller.

66) Randomly catapult huckleberry pies from a blimp flying overhead onto unsuspecting players heads. (This goes for every sport)

67) All bowling must be disco bowling and you get disqualified if you do not bowl like Fred Flintstone

68) Make them sip tea while playing the field in cricket

69) Force every team to watch Miracle before every playoff game and drink 4 cans of red bull